THE isles of Greece! the isles of Greece!
Where burning Sappho loved and sung,
Where grew the arts of eace,---
Where Delos rose and Phoebus sprung!
Eternal summer gilds them yet,
But all, except their sun, is set.
The S and the Teian muse,
The hero's harp, the lover's lute,
H**e found the fame your shores refuse;
Their pce of birth alone is mute
To sounds which echo further west
Than your sires' "Isnds of the Blest."
The mountains look on Marathon---
And Marathon looks on the sea;
And musing there an hour alone,
I dream'd that Greece might yet be free
For, standing on the Persians' gr**e,
I could not deem myself a sl**e.
'Tis something, in the dearth of fame,
Though link'd among a fetter'd race,
To feel at least a patriot's shame,
Even as I sing, suffuse my face;
For what is left the poet here?
Freeks a blush---freece a tear.
Fill high the bowl with Samian wine!
Our virgins dance beh the sh