eired (chuang and kelly, 1999) reirents
f一r specific seences bee less clear ulticelr
aniss such as taz一ans, and 一rc exhibits little seence
specificity dna bdg vitr一 (vashee et al, 2003;
re et al, 2004) theref一re, it is ip一rtant t一 detere the
l一cati一ns 一f 一rc bdg and dna synthesis experintally
n一一ide analyses 一f replicati一n ketics and distributi一n
一f 一rc and pr一tes g dna icr一arrays have
received: 24 july 2006; aepted: 8 january 2007; published 一nle:
15 february 2007
rresp一ndg auth一r departnt 一f bi一l一gy, graduate sch一一l 一f
science, 一saka university, 1一1, achikaneyaa一ch一, t一y一naka, 一saka
560一0043, japan tel:t81 6 6850 5432; fax:t81 6 6850 5440;
e一ail: asukatabi一sci一saka一uacjp
5present address: the scripps research stitute, 10550 n一rth t一rrey
pes r一ad, j一l, ca 92037, a
6present address: departnt 一f bi一l一gical cheistry and 一lecur
pharal一gy, harvard dical sch一一l, 240 l一ng一一d avenue,
b一st一n, a 02115, a
the eb一 j一ual (2007) 26, 1327–1339 |≈ 2007 eur一pean 一lecur bi一l一gy anizati一n | all rights reserved 0261一4189/07