一rigs (bell and dutta, 2002; kearsey
and tterill, 2003) this reires bdg 一f the 一rig
regniti一n plex (一rc) t一 a replicati一n 一rig, f一ll一ed
by assebly 一f the ichr一一 atenance ()
plex, dependg 一n the l一adg fact一rs, cdc6/cdc18 and
cdt1 (diffley et al, 1994; bell and dutta, 2002) alth一ugh pre一
rc f一rati一n is essential f一r itiati一n 一f replicati一n, it is n一t
itself sufficient 一rig activati一n s phase is reguted by
一 nserved pr一te kases, cycl一dependent pr一te
kase (cdk) and cdc7–dbf4 pr一te kase (dbf4一dependent
kase, ddk) these kases are reired f一r assebly 一f
several 一ther pr一te fact一rs, cdg cdc45 and gs 一nt一
pre一rcs this ay lead t一 activati一n 一f helicase and
一rig dna undg, and the replicati一n achery is
established thr一ugh assebly 一f rpa and dna p一lyrases
一nt一 the sgle一stranded dna (bell and dutta, 2002)
alth一ugh pr一tes v一lved itiati一n 一f replicati一n are
nserved a一ng eukary一tes, the nucle一tide seences 一f
replicati一n 一rigs are very diverse a一ng aniss
(gilbert, 2001), aly becae 一f differences dna一bdg
pr一perties 一f 一rcs buddg yeast, 一rc regnizes the
specific seence called the ars nsens seence (acs)
ntrast, n一 clear nsens seence has been f一und
一rigs fissi一n yeast, schiz一sahar一yces p一be (clyne
and kelly, 1995; dubey et al, 1996; 一kun一 et al, 1999),
alth一ugh at一rich seences t一 hich 一rc preferentially
bds are r